First! How do you get your hands on it?
Here’s the link to buy it directly from the printer.
It’ll be available on within two weeks, likely a few days. I’ll post links to it when that happens, but if you keep searching for it, maybe you’ll see it before me.
Keep in mind that shipping from the printer (at media mail speeds) is 38 cents cheaper to the US than shipping from amazon unless you can take advantage of amazon’s supersaver shipping.
The book is shipping out of South Carolina and it takes 8-9 days to get to California at the cheapest rate (I’m assuming, you’re all cheap like I am. They do offer 2 day shipping at exorbitant pricing.) Unlike what amazon tends to do, the printer ships 0-1 day after you order it, so if you live closer to SC you may get it much faster.
Once it’s available on amazon, I’ll start working on a kindle version. You can download free kindle apps for all platforms EXCEPT if you have a Mac with a PowerPC.
The kindle version will likely be priced at $9.99. You can of course get either one. Personally I prefer to get books made out of paper because I can resell them and recover most of the cost. Do you wan to resell this one? I’d say you’d probably want to read it annually—like a good investment good—just to get your neurons aligned. It’s not a reference/recipe book though; but maybe reading-frequency depends more on personality.
I have not orchestrated a “social media” launch since I wanted to get it out as soon as possible—it’s been underway for 27 months, it surely can’t wait another month or so right—but I am not a big believer in the hype cycle anyway, at least not for the intended readership of the book. I want it to build momentum and keep selling, not be forgotten as quickly as it became known.
That said, I do have a list of projects/ways to promote it including reviews and guest posts. I’ll be working on this in the coming days and months.
You can read more about it on the book page, where I’ll try to keep all pertinent information.
I’ll keep updating this page for a little while.