According to my calculations, I reached financial independence right around my 30th birthday. Like peak oil, it is however something you can only really see a few years after the fact: Have you made enough non-job related income every year since then, have you controlled your expenses, etc.
Prior to that period, I had a fairly good estimate of the cross over point thanks to the fortran program I had made (I suppose everybody else just use a spreadsheet) so I knew FI would happen right around going over the hill. I think having a target date for FI firm in my mind was a very helpful motivator.
The FI estimate has turned out to be amazingly robust. The reason is that when the external environment changes (like interest rates, … ) I adjust and adapt my personal behavior accordingly. So for instance, whereas I’m not as rich as I figured I would have been three years ago (thanks to the market plunge), I have adjusted my expenses and returns accordingly to remain committed to my target date.
I’d be really interested in knowing if my readers have a target date as well and I thought it would be cool to make a list. Let me know in the comments and I’ll add it to the list.
List of financial independence target years:
- Jacob (2005)
- Spork (2007)
- Brauhster (2008)
- Fubeck (2009)
- Dividend Growth Investor (2009)
- Alex (2010)
- David (2012)
- Julie (2012)
- Oscar (2012)
- Wanonymous (2012)
- Over the Cubicle Wall (2013)
- Debbie M (2015)
- Jayadeep (2015)
- aquadump (2015)
- Retire at 40 (2015)
- firefighter (2016)
- Brip blap (2017)
- Lazy Man and Money (2019)
- George (2020)
- Mjukr (2020)
- Blogging Banks (2020)
- Shanti (2022)