First, the new site for Early Retirement Extreme is

Please update your bookmarks and RSS feeds if you need to. I hope I don’t lose anyone in the transition!

Second, I would like to thank my readers for the positive comments. Knowing that some my blog entries are appreciated is very encouraging and makes me want to keep on writing. I figure if I can inspire just one person to do what I did, it will have been worthwhile. Of course, if I can inspire two persons, who in turn inspires two others, we will have a chain reaction. Regardless, it will be very interesting to see what eventually obtains from these writings.

I began this blog a whole 3 weeks ago with the goal of filling a niche of personal finance. Whereas there is much focus on getting out of debt (in N easy steps) or becoming rich (preferably quick), there is less focus on quitting the rat race, adapting to simpler lifestyles, and letting your money work for you. Since there are a few of us out here for whom the latter makes eminent sense, I will continue writing on alternative ways of thinking about money, how to “produce” a solution rather than “consume” it (i.e. buy it), and various tips and tricks that save money and time.

Hopefully, I will finish setting up this new site soon so we can get back to the regular schedule.

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